Monday, April 20, 2009

24. Surgical bankruptcy

       A surgical bankruptcy that makes the domestic
       auto industry is stronger is something that may
        not be desirable, but inevitable.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

23. Brutally honest

            All new electronic medical gadgets that measure
             your pressure or heartbeats are brutally honest.

22. Crunches underfoot

          In Afghanistan, history literally crunches underfoot.

21. Clenched orotundity

          George W. Bush's presidency was strait-jacketed by
          his inability to command any style by clenched orotundity.

20. Perceptive assessment

          Tayeb Salih's perceptive assessment of the relationship
           betweetn East and West, his complex weaving of personal
           and politiacal lives, and the beauty of his prose has redefined

19. Moral hazard

       Administration officials say it is impossible to help large 
       groups of borrowers whithout introducing some degree
       of what has come to be known as moral hazard.

Monday, April 6, 2009

18. Merciless insights

       The story of Daniyal Mueenudin offers merciless insights 
        on Pakistan's aristocracy and the tangled web its members
        often vove to assert their will.